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Common questions people ask about starting talk therapy

Starting therapy can be a daunting and intimidating experience, but it can also be a powerful tool for self-exploration and personal growth. People often have a lot of questions about what therapy entails and how it can help them. Here are some of the most common questions people ask when considering therapy and the answers they should know.

What is therapy and how does it work?

Therapy is a form of mental health treatment that involves talking with a trained therapist in a supportive and confidential environment. The goal of therapy is to help the client gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and patterns of behavior, in order to better understand themselves and their challenges. By understanding the underlying causes of their difficulties, the client can then find strategies to make positive changes in their life.

What types of therapy are available?

There are many different types of therapy available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy. Depending on the client’s needs, the therapist will recommend the most appropriate form of therapy.

What can I expect from therapy?

In therapy, the client and therapist will work together to explore the client’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The therapist will help the client to better understand themselves and the issues they are dealing with. Through this process, the client can gain new insight and learn new skills to cope with their challenges. It is important to remember that therapy can take time and that progress cannot be expected overnight.

How can therapy help me?

Therapy can help in many different ways, depending on the client’s individual needs. It can provide emotional support, help the client to gain clarity and insight into their issues, and provide guidance on how to make positive changes in their life. Therapy can also help to improve self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase resilience in the face of difficult situations.

How do I know if therapy is right for me?

The best way to determine if therapy is right for you is to talk to a therapist. A therapist can provide personalized advice and guidance on how to address your specific needs. If you feel comfortable talking to a therapist and feel that they can provide the help you need, then therapy may be an appropriate option.

What will my goals be?

The most important characteristic in a person who is beginning therapy is that they do so with an open mind and a willingness to learn and change.

Do you take insurance?

We do not participate insurance plan, we will supply you with a receipt of payment for services, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement after your session fee is paid by you.

I don’t have insurance. Can I pay directly?

Yes. Session fee is $200. Additional payment questions? Send an email

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions will be up to you and your therapist to decide on together. Weekly sessions are most common, though the length of time will depend on your goals in therapy.

Do you offer virtual sessions?

Yes, we offer both in person and virtual sessions.

What happens during my first appointment?

Your first appointment is that time when you get to only talk about you without someone interrupting you—(!!)

How often should I plan to come to therapy?

Therapy is most powerful when it’s conducted weekly. This is verified by countless studies and my professional experience as a therapist. Without a doubt, we’ve found that clients who commit to weekly sessions for the duration of treatment make the greatest transformations. Occasionally, it may be appropriate to meet more or less often, depending on your needs.

How long is an appointment?

A standard individual session is 55 minutes long. Appointments are typically at the same day and time each week

I see the terms 'psychotherapy,' 'therapy,' and 'counseling,' out there. What’s the difference?

Not much! They’re pretty much just different words for the same thing. We use these words interchangeably to describe the process of working through what stands between you and your potential.

One word out there with a potentially different meaning is “coaching.” There is no licensing requirement to market oneself as a coach, or life coach, however many licensed professionals offer coaching services. Be mindful of the training and experience of any practitioner you may consider working with.

Can I follow you on social media?

You’re welcome to follow our professional social media pages. We don’t follow, friend, comment, respond, or make other similar connections on social media with clients, or their family members or friends. This is to protect your confidentiality and privacy. If you choose to follow us on social media, it’s at your own risk. Please note, this is not a way to contact us for any reason, especially an emergency.

Why don’t you take insurance?

When a therapist accepts payment from an insurance company, in return, they must submit a diagnosis and provide ongoing documentation of your treatment. Your privacy is important to us and we believe your treatment should stay between you and your therapist. Additionally, policy benefits change constantly, and often without warning – quite possibly at a crucial point in your therapy. By taking financial responsibility for your treatment, you are in full control of your services.

Do You Have Any Questions We Haven’t Answered?

We would love to talk. Set up a free 10-minute consultation with one of our team members so you have all the info you need.


Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 6:00PM

Therapy for Moms