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anxiety explained….

Certainly most of us have had our own experiences with anxiety but anxiety can manifest differently for each individual,  here are some specific details that may help illustrate what anxiety can feel like:


1. Physical sensations: Anxiety often triggers physical sensations in the body. These can include a racing heart, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, trembling or shaking, sweating, dizziness, stomachaches, headaches, or muscle tension. Some people may also experience hot or cold flashes, tingling sensations, or a feeling of being on edge.

2. Persistent worrying: Anxiety is often characterized by persistent and excessive worrying. You may find yourself constantly thinking about potential dangers, worst-case scenarios, or potential negative outcomes, even when there is no immediate threat. The worrying may feel uncontrollable and overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on other tasks or enjoy moments of relaxation.

3. Intrusive thoughts: Anxiety can bring about intrusive thoughts, which are unwelcome and distressing thoughts or images that come to mind involuntarily. These thoughts can be distressing, disturbing, or irrational. They may revolve around fears, doubts, or worst-case scenarios related to personal safety, the safety of loved ones, or other areas of life.

4. Restlessness and agitation: Anxiety often brings a sense of restlessness and agitation. It can make you feel constantly on edge, unable to relax or sit still. You may find yourself fidgeting, pacing, or feeling the need to constantly be in motion. This restlessness can contribute to difficulty sleeping or concentrating.

5. Irritability and tension: Anxiety can lead to increased irritability and a shorter fuse. Small annoyances or disruptions may provoke a stronger reaction than usual. You may feel more easily frustrated, snappy, or on edge, even in situations that typically wouldn’t bother you.

6. Fatigue and difficulty sleeping: Anxiety can take a toll on your energy levels, leaving you feeling fatigued and exhausted. Despite feeling tired, falling asleep may be challenging due to racing thoughts, worries, or physical discomfort. Similarly, you may wake up frequently during the night or have trouble staying asleep.

7. Avoidance behaviors: Anxiety can lead to the development of avoidance behaviors. You may find yourself avoiding situations, places, or activities that trigger your anxiety. This can lead to a gradual narrowing of your comfort zone and may interfere with daily life and relationships.

Remember, these are just some examples, and anxiety can manifest differently for each person. If you are experiencing anxiety that is interfering with your daily functioning or causing significant distress, it’s important to seek professional help from a therapist or mental health professional who can provide guidance and support.

Need to talk somebody? At Therapy for Moms, we provide counseling and therapy services for parents in Houston Texas. Contact us to schedule a session.